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JUXT has led the research and development of XTDB since the beginning. We are a team unified by strong ideals and our technology-focused mission to improve the software industry, with a huge legacy of open source contributions across the Clojure ecosystem and beyond.


Jon Pither
Jon has led projects at Tier-1 Investment Banks, an online newspaper website, a major property portal, and an international public electric bikes scheme. Although he has largely traded Emacs hacking for Zoom meetings in his role as CEO, he is still deeply in touch with XTDB's implementation.
Malcolm Sparks
With over 40 years of applied Computer Science experience, Malcolm cut his teeth on the ZX81. He has a long history of building database systems and services. He has worked with SQLWindows, Oracle Forms, and Oracle CASE tools, and even spent time as an Oracle DBA. Malcolm is also developing a resource server.
Kath Read
Kath previously worked as a financial accountant and now brings her broad experience of oversight in the software industry to ensure that XTDB maintains a healthy balance as an open source product with long-term commercial sustainability.
Jeremy Taylor
Head of Product
Jeremy became obsessed with databases while working as a solution engineer at IBM. He joined the XTDB team in 2019, prior to the initial public release, and now applies his passion to helping users and customers solve their problems.


James Henderson
Head of Engineering
James has spent his career building data-oriented systems in companies large and small, across a variety of domains. Eventually he realised that a lot of the domain complexities he'd faced had 'time' in common, so he came to JUXT to work on a bitemporal database.
Matt Butler
Senior Engineer
During his long career at JUXT Matt has delivered numerous complex projects in multiple sectors, including telecommunications, infosec, and banking. Matt's affinity for hard problems now has him reading database white papers on weekends.
Dan Mason
During his time at JUXT, Dan has worked on a number of diverse consulting projects across sectors ranging from Finance to Medtech. He has been a contributor to XTDB since 2019 and is currently working on cloud operations.
Finn Völkel
Senior Engineer
Finn is a keen student of computer science who previously worked at Google and Nextjournal. Working on databases was an inevitable career trajectory.


Johanna Antonelli
Alex Davis
Tim Greene
James Simpson
Neale Swinnerton