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Wednesday, 20 December, 2023

v2 First Look - Show & Tell Session Replay

Jeremy Taylor

As we promised in our dev diary last week, yesterday we unveiled and demonstrated some of what’s coming early next year in XTDB v2. You can watch the replay of that live session below:

James’s slides are here.

Thanks again to everyone who joined for the occasion, and especially to all those who asked excellent questions and made the session feel particularly lively!

If you haven’t yet seen it yet, note that the v2 Hub page includes everything you need to know about the up-to-date status & progress of the v2 branch. We will add more precise information on timelines and release readiness there in the weeks and months ahead.

Stay tuned, and see you in the new year!

p.s. we are really keen to see any feedback/ideas/examples you would care to share: